As you probably all know, we’re a small farm so different challenges and limitations have been always part of our journey. Because of that, we’ve often had to find ways to do things differently than what is considered ‘the norm’. We’re Renegades after all, and these times are often the best catalysts for innovation and progress. And, despite the challenges, we’ve reached milestones that we weren’t sure we would ever see.
One of the ahievements we’re truly proud of, is our community. First of all - you, our customers, but also our wider tea community and our team in Georgia. It's not only your purchases and encouraging words that help, many of you have also spread the word to others and helped us find new customers.
The Crazy Scientist Club is a simple community program to celebrate and appreciate you, our brand ambassadors, and the crazy, unpredictable journey we go on together through tea.
Thanks to our community, we've been able to spend only tiny amounts on marketing and still sell out every season. We've relied on you to spread the word and introduce Renegade Tea to new people and it has worked out remarkably well. It means we can invest our funds into our farm, instead of giving them to Google or Facebook.
So here's to community, exploring and being a little bit crazy... This is the Crazy Scientist Club!
You automatically become part of the Crazy Scientist Club when you have a valid tea garden adoption. We'll send you your personal membership code.
Share your membership code with your friends. When they use your code to adopt a tea garden, they save 10% and get free gifts.
Each time your friends use your code for a new adoption, you also get gifts such as exclusive tea, every year you and your friends have an active adoption.

- If it's your friends' first Renegade order, we’ll also send them a free taster set once they adopt so they can try all the teas and change their tea choices if they want.
- You get one bag of tea from our exclusive Crazy Scientist Collection for each person who adopts using your code. These teas are only available to our club members.
If your friend makes a 3 year adoption, you’ll receive extra tea each season for 3 years.
For example: 2 of your friends make their first 3-year adoption in 2023 using your code. In 2024, another friend makes their 3-year adoption.
You'll receive 2 bags of Crazy Scientist teas in 2023, 3 bags in 2024 and 2025 and 1 bag in 2026 (as long as you have a valid adoption with us). Altogether, that's 9 bags of tea!
So more about the exclusive teas...
In 2023, we have 3 exclusive small batch teas in Crazy Scientist Collection. These teas are only available to Crazy Scientist Club members.
Crazy Scientist Black Tea
Tomas has been working on something extraordinary. It started as a random experiment, but was followed by 2 seasons of dedicated work and testing. And now it’s ready: a small-batch, exclusive black tea, that's a new concept for Georgian black tea. It's a masterpiece (in our opinion at least) and we can only produce a few kilos each season.
Crazy Scientist Green (Viridi Veritas)
Viridi Veritas was born out of the idea to create a truly delicate and smooth green tea. This is our only hand-rolled tea and we produce just a few kilos a year. Fresh, sweet, floral - the Queen of our greens. Now, it’s available only for our Club members.
Crazy Scientist herbal (Mighty Mint)
unique oxidized mint tea which we have produced in a very limited quantity since 2021. Produced from the naturally growing wild mint which we found in a far corner of our Rioni Estate, it is a mint tea like no other - sweet, smooth and reminds mint-infused light black tea. In future available only for Club members.
Crazy Scientist upcoming...
We'll continue to be Crazy Scientists and experiment with new approaches. No doubt, many of our attempts will fail, but stay tuned, and we'll let you know as soon as we have more crazy and good things to share!